Solar-powered drones vs. fuel-powered drones

November 11, 2021

Solar-powered drones vs. Fuel-powered drones

Drones are receiving a lot of attention for their applications in various industries, including agricultural, environmental, and military. However, drones' operational costs have always been a matter of concern. With traditional fuel powering techniques proven to be contributing to environmental degradation and climate change, people have started looking at renewable energy sources that could power drones.

Fuel-powered drones

Fuel-powered drones run on traditional petroleum-based fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and propane. These fuels release harmful gases into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming and pollution problems. But let's not forget that fuel-powered drones have higher endurance than that of solar-powered drones. Diesel-powered drones can fly for up to eight hours continuously.

Solar-powered drones

A solar-powered drone has photovoltaic panels installed on its wings or body, which absorb and convert sunlight into electricity to drive the drone's motor. This energy is stored in batteries for use later. Solar-powered drones have been able to fly for more extended periods lately thanks to advanced technologies in power storage.

Comparing the two

Fuel-powered drones have several disadvantages, including high fuel costs, harmful emissions, and operational restrictions. Solar-powered drones, on the other hand, offer an eco-friendly, low-cost alternative with longer endurance. However, there are a few limitations of solar-powered drones, such as their inability to operate in certain weather conditions.

Cost Analysis

When comparing the two, the solar-powered drone proves to be a far more affordable option. According to a study conducted by a German university, using solar-powered drones in place of fuel-powered drones can save up to 70% of operating costs.

Performace Analysis

Regarding performance, the fuel-powered drone still has an edge in terms of endurance, which is why it is preferred for applications that require longer flight times. But for shorter missions, solar-powered drones can be an excellent option.

Final verdict

Although fuel-powered drones have a better endurance rate, the high operational costs and harmful consequences to the environment are making them an unpopular choice for various applications. Solar-powered drones, with their low operating costs and eco-friendliness, will undoubtedly continue to grow in demand.


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